Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Reference List

Reference List:

Cyber-Bullying Laws's Blog. 2010. Cyber-Bullying. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 16 April 2018]

Dunn, J. 2014. The 9 characteristics of a positive digital citizen. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 16 April 2018]

Heginbotham, G. 2017. What is social capital and how can you use it? Digital Citizenship. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 21 March 2018]

Hughes, D. 2018. What is Digital Citizenship? - Definition & Themes. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 6 March 2018]

IIE. 2018. Higher Certificate in Events Management - Student Manual. Johannesburg: Independent Institute of Education.

IIE. 2018. Higher Certificate in Events Management - Digital Citizenship Module. Johannesburg: Independent Institute of Education.

Investopedia. 2018. Social Capital. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 6 March 2018]

Newseum Institute. 2017. Social-Media-Icons. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 16 April 2018]

PFS. 2012. How mobile phones have evolved over the past two decades. Available at [Accessed 16 April 2018]

VPN. 2018. Online privacy equates to VPN privacy. [Online]. Available at [Accesssed 16 April 2018] 2018. Stop identity theft. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 16 April 2018]

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Q.2.2 Digital footprints can be construed as trails that digital citizens leave online. Do you think that digital footprints could become a problem? Discuss.

Do you think that digital footprints could become a problem?

Yes, I do think that a persons digital footprint can become a problem.

People online can pick up on your routines and habits you do online and start to stalk you and watch what you are doing online. When you were younger you may have done some things online that you shouldn't have done and gone on sites that you shouldn't have gone on. People will always be able to see what you have done online and might use it against you or to your disadvantage later on in life.

You can never take back what you have said or put online as people will always be able to find it somewhere on the internet. Even if you accidentally say something or post something and delete it, somebody somewhere would have seen it.

When you are applying for a job, your employee may look you up online. He/she might find something online that they don't agree with and get a bad impression of you, which may be the reason for them not employing you.

Your digital footprint can cause a lot of problems in many different situations, even if it is by accident. You have to extra careful when you do anything online as it will always be traceable.

Q.2.1. A description of at least five characteristics of digital citizen

A description of at least five characteristics of a digital citizen


Cyber-Bullying Laws's Blog. 2010. Cyber-Bullying. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 16 April 2018]

Dunn, J. 2014. The 9 characteristics of a positive digital citizen. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 16 April 2018]

Newseum Institute. 2017. Social-Media-Icons. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 16 April 2018]

PFS. 2012. How mobile phones have evolved over the past two decades. Available at [Accessed 16 April 2018]

VPN. 2018. Online privacy equates to VPN privacy. [Online]. Available at [Accesssed 16 April 2018] 2018. Stop identity theft. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 16 April 2018]

Q.1.3 Create a LinkedIn account and subscribe to two at least two groups that are relevant to your field of study. Add a link of your profile to your blog and a screenshot of you account.

Click here to view my LinkedIn account

Screenshot of my account:

Q.1.2 Organisations such as Facebook, Airbnb and Uber have harnessed social capital to grow their market shares and become major disruptive forces in their industries. Define and explain how a digital citizen can build and enhance social capital.

 Define and explain how a digital citizen can build and enhance social capital.

Digital Citizen definition:
We must follow a set of rules when online to ensure that the technology is being used appropriately and responsibly by us, the users. A digital citizen is the person who follows these rules and is regularly on the internet or an electronic device.

Social capital definition:
"Social capital is an economic idea that refers to the connections between individuals and entities that can be economically valuable. " (Investopedia, 2018)

A digital citizen can build social capital by going on different social media sites and joining groups on these sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. These social media groups will allow you to exchange ideas, share your own visions and plan to work together with people who have similar interests or careers as you. This will keep you connected and liked with different organisations and people which could result in helping you find a job or getting your name out on the internet to other organisations.


Investopedia. 2018. Social Capital. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 6 March 2018]

IIE. 2018. Higher Certificate in Events Management - Student Manual. Johannesburg: Independent Institute of Education.

Heginbotham, G. 2017. What is social capital and how can you use it? Digital Citizenship. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 21 March 2018]

Hughes, D. 2018. What is Digital Citizenship? - Definition & Themes. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 6 March 2018]

Q.1.1 Ribble (2011) identifies nine elements that make up digital citizenship, encompassing the issue of the use, abuse and misuse of technology. Briefly discuss these nine elements.

9 Elements of Digital Citizenship:

  • Digital Access
"The full electronic participation in Society" (IIE, 2018:20). Digital Access is the use of the internet, television, mobile devices and other electronic devices that are used by the public.

  • Digital Literacy
Digital literacy is a persons ability to use the internet and electronic devices to access the internet and communicate this information. To access this information you need to have an understanding of how to use search engines and computers.

  • Digital Etiquette
When using the internet there is a set of rules you have to follow that are about your behavior and how you use the internet, this is your digital etiquette. You have to behave and use the internet appropriately and respectfully when using online communication.

  • Digital Rights and Responsibilities
This is how people expect you to behave and the responsibilities you have when online. It is a set of rules that need to be applied when using the internet. You need to use the internet with respect of others and respect of others work. These rights apply to society, businesses, education and individuals.

  • Digital Law
This is the responsibilities of your online actions that can be either ethical or unethical. This includes copyright access, privacy, security and pornography.

  • Digital Security
Digital security is the precautions that are took in order to protect a persons security when online. Some of the security issues that the general public could be affected by include: scams, online stalking, identify-theft, fraud and online bullying.

  • Digital Health and Wellness
This is the physical and emotion impact that technology and the internet has on our lives and our well being. If we use technology too much we can get physical injuries such as eye strain, carpel tunnel syndrome, obesity and many others. We can also get physiological issues such as internet addiction, cyber bullying and cyber stalking.

  • Digital Commerce
This is the trade and selling of services and products electronically and online. 

  • Digital Communication
Digital Communication is the trade of information electronically between 2 devices.


IIE. 2018. Higher Certificate in Events Management - Digital Citizenship Module. Johannesburg: Independent Institute of Education.

Reference List

Reference List: Cyber-Bullying Laws's Blog. 2010.  Cyber-Bullying.  [Online]. Available at [A...